growing guide
Sunflower growing guide
Sunflowers are our favourite way to bring people joy & although the Kalbar Sunflower festival is only on for 3 days of the year, we have put together this Sunflower growing guide so you can take the sunflower happiness home with you!
1) Soil: Any sunny site with good drainage
2) Position in full sun
3) Frost tolerant: Sunflower seedlings often escape damage from light frost, but larger plants have no tolerance of freezing temperatures.
4) Feeding & water: Mix a light application of a balanced organic fertiliser into the soil prior to planting. Sunflowers are quite drought tolerant so only need to be watered 1-2 times per week.
5) Feeding & water: Mix a light application of a balanced organic fertiliser into the soil prior to planting. Sunflowers are quite drought tolerant so only need to be watered 1-2 times per week.
6) Spacing: Plant 30 centimetres between each seed if planting in rows in your garden beds.
7) Sow and Plant: Sow sunflowers from spring to summer. Poke seeds into the soil about 2 to 3 centimetres deep and 8 centimetres apart. Thin to 30 centimetres apart in all directions for dwarf varieties. Extremely tall sunflowers or those that grow into multi-branched bushes may require 1 metre between plants.
8) Harvesting: For flowers - The best time to cut a sunflower for a bouquet is when you see yellow petals and some start to pop open. For seed - Cut sunflower heads when some of the seeds inside the edges appear ripe and fall away when rubbed, or when birds start harvesting them for you. Store in a warm, dry place.
Did you know…
Sunflowers will turn around to face the sun whilst they are budding. Once they are blooming they will only face the east to watch the sun rise.